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  Sabbathing is so hard.  Why?  Why is pausing such a challenge?  Why is resting so counterintuitive? Like, literally, I knew I wanted to receive the gift of Sabbath this week—and every week.  (yes, New Covenant may or may not command this, but I believe it is a gift from God regardless).   So I picked my 24 hours.  I meted my parameters.  And I cannot even count how many times I tried to justify squeezing work in and rest out of that day of Sabbath.    About the third time a thought crossed my mind that well, maybe… I could just cut the rest day short by 2 hours so I could get groceries tonight OR maybe, I could just finish the church craft, that’s not hard right? etc, etc.. it hit me: this is a problem!  I need to stick to my Sabbath, here.  There are some major obstacles (from within and out) trying to stop me from this designation of stop .   You know what all these temptations reveal, within me?  How much I...

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